Wednesday 6 August 2014

Eco-friendly picnics

From Tricia Fiddian

With all this lovely whether how can we enjoy outdoor eating in an environmentally friendly way?

Use containers for picnics and packed lunches: avoid using cling film and foil and use ‘Tupperware’ containers instead.  Rather than buying individually wrapped items, pop individual portions of cake, fruit and yoghurt into reusable containers too. 

Try to buy locally sourced food : Your Sunday lunch can travel up to 49,000 miles before it arrives on your plate!  Buying food that is as locally sourced as possible, or growing some of it yourself, is a great way to save masses of energy that goes into the transportation of our food. There is plenty  to choose from at this time of year. And the blackberries are ripening nicely and you can pick them yourself!  

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