Wednesday, 26 November 2014

I'm dreaming of a Green Christmas

A natural remedy for festive fever has been prepared by A Rocha UK – in the form of a ‘green’ online Advent calendar.

Daily doses of environmental advice offer to settle those seasonal challenges – from the thorny problem of Christmas trees to the drastic plastic of shop-bought decorations. Each calendar window opens on a practical plan to soothe the stress on both pocket and planet. The online Advent calendar will be available at from 1st December.

A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world.

Friday, 7 November 2014

The Bible and Biodiversity

‘Let everything that has breath praise the Lord’ (Psalm 150:6)

"We have an important moral and ethical decision to make: Do these endangered species have a right to survive or do we have a right to drive them to extinction?"

Professor Jonathan Baillie, Zoological Society of London

The ethical foundations which underpin the wildlife conservation movement face a crisis: what gives nature its value? Anthropocentric views (which see the world as here to serve human interests) and ecocentric views (which aim to value all species equally) compete but are flawed. In contrast, a biblical perspective emphasises that both human and non-human creatures are made for the glory of God and have value directly in relation to God. This has significant implications for Christian attitudes to biodiversity conservation and for the conservation movement, which are briefly explored.

See the full paper from this link: