heavens declare the glory of God;
skies proclaim the work of his hands.
after day they pour forth speech;
after night they display knowledge. Psalm19
Creation at St James
is an initiative to rediscover our mandate as Christians to work
for the restoration and protection of the earth
(Genesis 2:15).
many years the two St James has supported the work of A Rocha, the
leading Christian conservation charity. We are now taking up the
challenge of becoming an eco-congregation:
is an Eco-Congregation?
is an award scheme set up by A Rocha. To achieve the
Eco-congregation award a church must evidence significant progress in
weaving creation care into the life and witness of the church.
Churches are externally assessed and if they achieve Eco-congregation
status it lasts for three years.
‘Love Creation’ team has been convened to lead the church through
this process. We are mindful that rather then starting from scratch,
we are in fact building on the efforts already made by many at St
James. Our churchyards abound in a rich array of wildlife thanks to
them being well managed. Recycling
facilities on the site have improved enormously and the bike shed in
Gerrards Cross is well used, particularly on a Sunday. Members of St
James have initiated all sorts of projects such as: planting a
wildflower meadow; writing a book (Developing a Plan for the
starting a quiet garden; keeping bees; initiating the ‘transition
town network’ in Chalfont St Peter, which among many other
initiatives managed the waste for our ‘Run the Race’ event in
Creation at St James
hope is that the Love Creation initiative helps us to make further
progress upon what has already been happening.
- Firstly we aim to inspire each member of the two St James to work out what it means to care for God’s creation in their own lives, not out of fear or guilt, but to glorify God.
- Secondly we aim to take a decisive step towards making the operations of the two St James more environmentally friendly.
- Thirdly we seek to build strategic local partnerships with groups or organisations committed to environmental care.
an eco-congregation is not an accolade, so that we pat ourselves on
the back. It is a means through which we come to worship creator God
more deeply and to bear witness to his wonderful works in creation.
believe that as we understand the Christian mandate to care for
creation we will improve our stewardship of the earth’s resources,
protect its biodiversity and mitigate against climate change.
want to hear from you...
Love Creation team sees it as our job, not to tell people what to do,
but to provoke a conversation. We are mindful within St James there
are many people seeking to care for creation in all sorts of ways.
We would love to be sharing these ideas with one another through the
Love Creation blog .
contact the St James office in order to get in touch with a member of the Love Creation Team. We
hope that this blog will be a forum of ideas to encourage us all in
our Creation care.
a Plan for the Planet, Ian Chambers and John Humble, Gower
Publishing, 2011
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